
8/17/2024- Liberty (Me) was accepted to the University of Birmingham Masters program for Shakespeare and Creativity! I will be migrating to the UK from the USA in September of 2024! This will mean a slight adjustment to Board Boss! I will continue streaming and creating content, however I will switch my focus to Shakespearean texts and shift the name to BØARD BOSS (See without the O it’s BARD BOSS!!!!).

The Board


the boss

About Us

Board Boss is a network of talented performers dedicated to producing campaign focused play-throughs of narrative-driven board games in the following formats:

  • Live-streamed sessions via Twitch.

  • Edited and mastered videos via Youtube.

  • Audio only Podcasts via RSS feed.

The Ramble

Hi, Liberty here- I thought this would be as good a place as any to write out my own story and through it the beginnings of Board Boss…

I have always been enamored with three things, BOARD GAMES, THEATRE, and ENTREPRENEURSHIP(I know, that last one sounds ridiculous- but bear with me). There is thread that flows through my entire life that is woven of those three aspects, and the result of their cohesion is Board Boss.

While these aspects may seem disparate, to me what connects them is what makes me love them- imagination. Board games rely on imagination to create an arena for their players, one that can activate emotional and intellectual responses. Theatre is imagination, the ability for an audience to dismiss their reality and accept the one placed before them is an expression of shared suspension of disbelief- and it is not possible without the imaginations of every cast, crew and audience member. The key to successful business is imagination, an individual’s ability to perceive their current circumstances and create from them opportunity is what defines a true entrepreneur.

Imagination is the lighthouse of my life. Growing up I clutched at every opportunity to explore my own creative imagination- I auditioned at every opportunity, competed in High School Speech, and wrote my own plays and films(hopefully none of which can be found). I played board games, and video games voraciously, I was searching for what it was like to live outside of my circumstances. In college I studied both Theatre Arts, and Business Administration. I wrote business plans for imaginary multi-million dollar theatrical guilds, dreamed of acting professionally, and fell into a lasting love with Pathfinder. I followed one of those dreams to New York City- the shining apple, the big gamble. I studied at the Stella Adler Studio, and to my surprise-their focus was imagination. During my years in NYC I built sets, founded a theater company with like minded individuals, and learned to live below the poverty line. I loved New York City, not for what I was able to do, but for the possibilities it represented. Then in 2016, I made a realistic decision- I needed to survive.

I returned to Eastern-Oregon, burdened with an imagination that would not relent. For the next seven years I worked for my family’s business, putting my degree to good use, managing a liquor store. I am proud of my accomplishments during that time. My efforts increased profitability, productivity, and overall efficiency. Fortunately for me, my imagination did not have time to atrophy- instead I was presented with extraordinary opportunities. I joined a professional Shakespeare company, I withstood the greatest failure of my creative career-which was at the same time one of my greatest successes, and I fell in love. The time came for my parent’s to retire from the liquor business, and when they did I saw it as my opportunity to allow my imagination to take the wheel once again.

My imagination has driven me to Board Boss, a way of combining the three threads of my life- a network that live-streams narrative board games, played by a talented cast of performers…and if all goes to plan it will be dang entertaining.